Fast, Fraud-Proof Digital Verification
Luciditi Age Proof can be visually inspected just like a physical card. Use Digital Verification to remove doubt and prevent fraud.
Digital Verification instantly establishes that a card is genuine via an independent verification service and there’s no reliance on the card holders device. You’ll get a consistent display regardless of the type of card being presented.
Luciditi Age Proof is more secure than any physical Proof of Age card, even those with a static verification QR code. Age Proof verifications use real-time generation of dynamic QR codes to launch the check, preventing spoofing via screen-shots or videos. Most importantly, counterfeit, expired and revoked credentials are detected instantly so that you can trust the credential is genuine and held by the person in front of you.

Accepting Digital Proof of Age
Luciditi Age Proof is an official UK Digital Proof of Age credential
It cannot be forged and may only reside on one device at a time
The holders' identity has been verified to certified IDSP standards
Visual Verification
All digital PASS cards share the same visual layout
* Issuer logo at the top (Luciditi)
* Card type at the bottom right
* PASS logo, NPCC and SIA logos (18+ cards)
* An animated PASS hologram
Luciditi Age Proof features a moving pattern background when the phone is tilted on all iPhones (only some Android phones).

Do not Accept if:

Digital Verification
The user will present a short-lived QR code by tapping on their Luciditi Age Proof If they are unable to present a QR code, do not accept as proof of age.
Scan QR Code
on users device -
User consents
in Luciditi App*Skipped if Offline
Result shown
Positive or Negative Verification
In order to digitally verify the card, the holder taps the card, flipping the display and revealing a QR code.
Scan using a smartphone/tablet Camera, the “Verify Age Proof” button above or using the Luciditi App (which provides anonymous audit).
If using a smartphone camera, a valid QR code link will display “”.
If the holder is using an online Age Proof card, they will be asked to confirm the verification. This step is skipped if presenting an offline version of Age Proof (used when internet access is unavailable)
The verification process independently checks the holders details and the underlying credential are valid.
Additional Visual Indicators
After generation of the QR code, a one-time code and symbol are displayed underneath the photo on the holders device.
These must match those on the verification device screen if the Age Proof is genuine.
Additional security features expected on a Luciditi Age Proof are a colour-cycling border around the QR code which also contains the date and time of QR code creation, an expiry countdown timer of 1 minute and an animated Luciditi logo.
Only accept if the verification display is blue (18+), green (16+) and the age and card type exceeds the particular age restriction in place.

Age Proof – FrontOn holders device – One time code and symbol added after QR code scanned.

Age Proof – BackOn holders device – One time code and symbol added after QR code scanned.

Valid ResultOn verifiers device – Green Tick if details are valid. One Time Code and symbol will match holders phone.

Invalid Result On verifiers device – Red exclamation if any aspect of the card is invalid

Frequently Asked Questions

Not all Digital Proof of Age Cards are Equal
Luciditi Age Proof isn’t just a digital version of a physical card, it is a verified credential that exists on the Luciditi Digital Identity Platform.
Luciditi is designed to protect users from fraud by securing their sensitive data and giving them control over how it is used.
A Luciditi held digital credential such as a Luciditi Age Proof can be trusted as being authentic, verifiable and safe to accept when verified digitally.
Every holder of an Age Proof card has previously had their identity checked using a valid passport. We have also confirmed that they are a UK resident and meet the age requirement of the card being presented (16+ or 18+).

Luciditi App for Business
The Luciditi App is available to business owners and has the advantage of verification audit for online verifications and ability to request longer a longer data retention period.
It also allows offline verification (see offline use).
The app’s activity list allows a business to see which digital cards have been scanned and by whom for a limited period. After which, a record remains but the holder details (including photo if provided) are auto-cleared.
Find out more about Luciditi here and use the Sign Up button to setup your free business account.

Data Security
When scanning an Age Proof QR using a smartphone camera, no data is retained in the browser.
Other than the user photo, no personally identifiable information is received, simply a verification response of the card presented.
It does not increase your obligations under GDPR as long as you do not copy or take screen shots of the positive verifications you perform.
For a businesses that require verification history, the Luciditi App holds transaction records securely in the Luciditi cloud, rather than on-device. After a period, it auto-clears Age Proof details whilst preserving necessary data for audit.

Offline Use
Verification of an Age Proof using a smartphone camera requires access to the internet so that the Luciditi Digital Identity Platform can access data without relying on the holders device.
The Luciditi Mobile App allows offline verification of an Age Proof QR code when both the acceptor and presenter have no internet access.
Age Proof holders are able to store their Age Proof locally (for up to 7 days) for situations where there is no or limited internet access.

Can I accept a Luciditi Age Proof?
Luciditi Age Proof is an official Digital Proof of Age credential. PASS has been appointed by the Home Office and is recognised by the Police, Security industry and others such as retail and travel companies.
If you are unsure if it is OK to accept a Luciditi Age ID for proof of age, please visit the PASS website where you will find more details and Luciditi (Arissian Ltd) listed as an certified issuer.
You can easily verify a presented Age Proof by scanning the QR code on the reverse of the card – scroll up to find out how and what to expect from a valid check.
Physical PASS cards are recognised under the UK Government’s guidance on “The Licensing Act For The Sale of Alcohol as being an acceptable form of Proof of Age”. When the legislation is updated (the Data Use and Access Bill will come into force in 2025), the same will apply to Digital forms of PASS, including Luciditi Age Proof. So whilst you can use it to enter a licensed establishment, at this moment you cannot use it to buy Alcohol and the Age Proof holder will need to provide a physical form of ID.
If you have concerns around accepting a Luciditi Age Proof, please contact us via our contact form or you can raise issues separately with PASS at PASS website.

Certified Identity Service Provider & PASS Issuer
Arissian Ltd and the Luciditi platform have been independently audited against the PASS standards in order to become an issuer of a Proof of Age credential.
The PASS organisation, appointed by the home office, have granted Arissian issuer status. A Luciditi Age Proof with the PASS logo and digital hologram provides acceptors with confidence that they are dealing with a genuine Digital ID. Only appointed issuers are allowed to hold the PASS Digital hologram – it is a criminal offence to reproduce it otherwise.
In addition to PASS certification, we are also an accredited UK Digital Identity Service Provider (IDSP). IDSP status means that when we digitally verify an identity, we do so to a consistently high standard and confidence level. We are one of a small set of specialist suppliers who have implemented the UK Digital Identity Attribute and Trust Framework (DIATF).
Arissian Ltd is ISO27001:2013 certified and registered with the Information Commissioners Office (ICO).

Contacting Luciditi
All enquires must be made via our contact form so that we can guarantee delivery of your query and track progress through to resolution.
Our business hours are Mon-Fri 9:30am to 05:00pm.