Purchase Luciditi Age Proof

PASS Certified Digital Proof of Age

  • Step 1 of 3 : Choose your Luciditi Age Proof
  • Step 2 of 3 : Who is it for?
  • Step 3 of 3 : Payment Details

10 working days

1-2 working days

The quoted delivery times are based on activating your Age Proof before 12:00pm otherwise our card partner MyID Card will not have enough time to produce and ship your card. Age Proof credentials activated after that time on the same day will be delivered a full day later. So for example, placing your order at 11:59 but not activating your Age Proof in the Luciditi app until 12:05pm will add a day onto expected delivery date.

Choose your Verification Method

How would you like to verify your name, address, and date of birth?

This method works if you have credit history and appear on the electoral roll as an adult at your current address.
Not recommended for those just turned 18.

You can use your banking app and let your bank confirm your details. Before checkout, you'll be taken to your banking app, asked to select an account and confirm the data sent back to us. You will need to switch back to this web page once complete.

Are you a Student? Read this
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